Saturday, February 23, 2013
Yes, Valentine's day was indeed a couple of weeks ago, but I've been so busy that I haven't had the time to even upload and edit all my photos for my blog! But here it is, the super late v-day post, where I will provide you with an extremely legit tasting pocky (what became of the dough from the end of my previous post).
Square pictures = Instagram-ed pictures
I was fooled when I first tried it. Did someone secretly swap the pocky stick that I made with the Glico one right before I put it into my mouth? You are probably just as skeptical as I was, so please try making this and you will understand how mind-blown I was after my first bite.
We put combinations of almost everything on the pocky
~ Ingredients ~
6 g dried yeast
65 ml lukewarm milk
100 g bread flour
80 g all-purpose flour
15 g icing sugar
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp each tahini (sesame paste) and liquid honey
50 ml room temperature water
25 g room temperature butter
~ Method ~
1. Mix yeast and milk, let it sit for 10-15 minutes
2. Mix honey+tahini+yeast+milk
3. Mix dry ingredients, mix in #2 mixture
4. Knead until it comes together
5. Knead in water and butter
6. Knead until it is firm and smooth (took me 30 minutes by hand)
7. Wrap it in plastic wrap and rest it in the fridge for minimum 1 hour
8. Roll it between 2 plastic wraps to 4 mm thick, put in fridge for 20 minutes
9. Use a ruler and sharp knife to cut 5 mm by 15 cm strips (a little longer/shorter doesn't hurt)
10. Bake on a lined pan for 10-15 minutes at a 350 F / 180 C oven
11. Take them out to cool when they turn a golden color!
Now pour melted chocolate on your cooled sticks
Sprinkle on whatever you fancy:
crushed coffee beans, cocoa nibs, cinnamon, matcha powder, dried fruits, nuts, coconut, candy, more chocolate?
Let it cool in the fridge and then, enjoy~
I just came back from a week filled with never-ending activities and should be extremely exhausted. After calculating that I'm currently still awake since the last time I woke from sleep 24 hours ago, I think I need a good quality shut-eye before going back to school.
Nevertheless, I had an amazing time in the states and Montreal, but I had to cancel the auto show! There was no way I could have had the energy after three days of walking in Montreal and a 6 hours bus ride which turned into a 12 hour one (perhaps I shall have more on that later - or not).
Nevertheless, I had an amazing time in the states and Montreal, but I had to cancel the auto show! There was no way I could have had the energy after three days of walking in Montreal and a 6 hours bus ride which turned into a 12 hour one (perhaps I shall have more on that later - or not).

My black forest cake in trifle form + ground coffee + ground almonds + cake crumbs on top
I hope you get the chance to try my recipes!