Thursday, September 12, 2013
Some people don't like eating the same thing over and over again. And that kind of person would be me. Even when I have a large amount of an ingredient that needs to be used up (and when I can't use it all at once), I'll use it differently in different dishes.

We recently bought 8 pounds of pork side ribs, and after butchering it and bagging it into five 1-meal portions, I've already made a lineup of different dishes to showcase this glorious pork meat: stewed ribs with tomatoes and sweet potatoes (what I'm making as I'm blogging right now), congee, soup, stewed ribs my mommy style...
But when something good enters my mouth once, I'll find it hard to not have it again in a short time. Something like cheese is something I can eat everyday - whether it be cheddar, brie, burrata, baked, deep fried, as is - I love eating cheese.
Which is why before my second visit to Colossus Greek Taverna I already began to think of the next time that I would be able to eat their fried haloumi cheese which is titled SAGANAKI on their menu. They serve it on a hot cast iron plate, and right before it sets on your table, a shot of alcohol is poured atop and lit up with an enthusiastic "OPA!" (everytime).

Lamb braised in red wine on a bed of orzo

Greek fries
I think it's only seasoned with salt but it tastes particularly different from other fries. My friend says these ones are the best fries ever.


French toast Greek style: Deep fried pita, apple sauce, vanilla ice cream

Ferrero Rocher Cheesecake
I don't eat chocolate often but I like this even though it is chocolate-laden.
My verdict on this restaurant? Seeing that this is the second time I came - this place is worthy of a second visit (even if just to order the saganaki).
If you sit indoors, you will rely on candlelight, and it is highly advised that you make reservations especially on weekends. From my own experience, the waiters are friendly but a tad slow with their service. But if you want to have a nice long conversation with your friend(s) this is the quiet environment you want to talk in. Opa!
I would like to skip this period of time that transitions from summer to fall please. It's not very pleasant to have to dress as an eskimo in the morning then strip down during the afternoon and get bundled up again at night.
Let me skip that and let the leaves fall from the trees and whip out my collection of scarves. Oh and -
Happy almost mid autumn festival dear readers!
Lamb braised in red wine on a bed of orzo
Greek fries
I think it's only seasoned with salt but it tastes particularly different from other fries. My friend says these ones are the best fries ever.
French toast Greek style: Deep fried pita, apple sauce, vanilla ice cream
Ferrero Rocher Cheesecake
I don't eat chocolate often but I like this even though it is chocolate-laden.
My verdict on this restaurant? Seeing that this is the second time I came - this place is worthy of a second visit (even if just to order the saganaki).
If you sit indoors, you will rely on candlelight, and it is highly advised that you make reservations especially on weekends. From my own experience, the waiters are friendly but a tad slow with their service. But if you want to have a nice long conversation with your friend(s) this is the quiet environment you want to talk in. Opa!
To take us back to the summery days of summer:
Watermelon SOAKED in syrup and super chilled with ice cubes
Let me skip that and let the leaves fall from the trees and whip out my collection of scarves. Oh and -
Happy almost mid autumn festival dear readers!